A Simple, Complete Guide for How to Know Who You Are in Christ

Inside: Stop wondering how to know who you are in Christ. Here’s the simple, straightforward answer about the best possible foundation on which to build your identity.

My eyes stayed glued to his back as he strode out of the room, willing him not to pause or turn back. My battered heart simply couldn’t withstand one more cutting word on top of the scathing character analysis he’d already skewered me with. Surely I’d crumple in on myself if he threw anything else at me.

When I was sure the coast was clear, I slowly exhaled and let my body sag in relief. But just as quickly, relief fled as my chin hit my chest in defeat.

How on Earth was I supposed to keep up with, much less fix, everything he said was wrong with me?

According to him, I was selfish but also gave away too much with my people-pleasing ways. Plus I was too friendly but also not friendly enough to the right people. And I was too loud but also too quiet at the wrong times.

No matter what I did—how I tried to fix myself—I couldn’t win. And I was fresh out of ideas on what to do now.

By then, I’d spent years trying to cram myself into the mold he’d created for his perfect woman. Is it any wonder, then, that I had no idea who I was anymore?

Why Is It Important to Know Who You Are in Christ?

It wasn’t always like that. Like you probably did, I started my adult life feeling pretty sure of myself. But—probably also like you—somewhere along the way, I let other people’s opinions (mainly my boyfriend’s) undermine my identity and convince me I was a bad person. Heck, at one point, he even had me believing I was emotionally lazy!

And, like me, you’ve bent over backward trying to change yourself for them. Because you love them and because they claim to love you too.

Doesn’t it stink, then, when you always fall short of who they want you to be? When they never fail to make you feel unworthy? And when you lose yourself trying to satisfy people who, as it turns out, will always think you’re not good enough for them.

The truth is, how you see yourself influences how you choose to show up in your life. This is the exact reason why basing your identity on who others think you should be is a bad idea.

Don’t put your trust in mere humans. They are as frail as breath. What good are they?

Isaiah 2:22 (NLT)

The version of you who’s their perfect person is always just out of reach. So when you think you’ve finally got her pinned down, they find something else to pick apart. And she, like mist, slips through your fingers once again.

But when you know who you are in Christ, you build your identity on a bedrock of unconditional love and authenticity. You show up in the world—boldly and without apology—as exactly who He says you are.

And you know what? You’re A-OK with everybody not being down with who you are.

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3 Attributes of God for Understanding Who You Are in Christ

Isn’t this the dream? To know who you are in Christ and not care one whit about who others think you should be.

You can totally have this! Because only one opinion matters when it comes to knowing who you are, and it’s not theirs. It’s God’s.

After all, He made you, He knows your true heart, and He loves you just as you are. Always.

Now, our Father has lots of awesome qualities. But 3, in particular, stand out when you need to know who you are in Christ.

  1. God is loving. He loves you unconditionally, which—thank God—doesn’t depend on your actions or worthiness. He loves you simply because you’re His daughter and He made you.
  2. God is unchangeable. His character never changes, which means He’ll keep loving you and seeing you as worthy of His love, no matter what you or anyone else does or says.
  3. God is good. So good, He put the payment for your sins on Jesus’ account. Even before you knew you needed a substitute sacrifice to atone for your sins.

But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.

Romans 5:8 (NLT)

And now, as a born-again Christian and because of God’s unfathomable grace, mercy, goodness, and love, you get to spend eternity with Him.

Loving, unchanging, and good. With this as a foundation, why wouldn’t you want to base your identity on what God thinks of you instead of on others’ opinions?

So having lost yourself on the journey of life up to this point, how do you go about knowing who you are in Christ?

The Only Answer for How to Know Who You Are in Christ

Get ready to study. Because the only way to know who you are in Christ is by finding out straight from God’s word.

Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another—showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God’s way. Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 (MSG)

This scripture straight-up says your Bible contains the blueprint for your entire life. This means digging into it is essential for how to know who you are in Christ. Anybody who says different isn’t being honest with you.

Now, you have a few methods to help you study the Word so you can know who you are in Christ. Choose the one that suits you best where you are right now. Then try another one. Because—take it from someone who’s been at this for almost a decade now—there’s always more for you to discover about who you are in Christ.

Whichever method you choose, be sure to immerse yourself in the only true Source for knowing who you are in Christ.

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Method 1: Practice Knowing Who You Are in Christ

One of the easiest ways for how to know who you are in Christ is to get a thorough list covering your identity in Him. A good list will dig into the attributes you’ve inherited from Christ as a born-again believer. Internalize those traits and you’ll find yourself knowing who you are in Christ better than you ever have before.

Related: Important But Forgotten Traits (Who I Am In Christ List)

Another easy way to get started is by practicing Bible-based affirmations about who you are in Christ. These can help you counteract the poison others often pour into you without you even noticing.

Related: 25 Who I Am in Christ Affirmations You Need to Know

Here’s a simple Bible-based starter list for how to know who you are in Christ.

List of Who You Are in Christ

  1. I’m worth Jesus’ life. Therefore, I’m priceless and worthy. (Luke 12:6-7)
  2. Because of my faith in Jesus Christ, I’m God’s precious daughter and He’s my Dad. (Galatians 3:26)
  3. I’m connected to Jesus and He sustains my life. (John 15:5)
  4. I belong to Jesus so I’m a new creation and a brand new woman. (2 Corinthians 5:16-17)
  5. I’m alive in Christ because of God’s love and mercy. (Ephesians 2:4)

Bonus: As a bonus for joining my weekly newsletter, get this free download—The Instant Pep-Talk Pack. Its 8 Scripture cards are your personal, pocket-sized reminders when you need to know who you are in Christ.

Method 2: Know Who You Are in Christ Cover to Cover

If you don’t know God’s word for yourself, you’ll easily fall prey to the junk people throw around sometimes, claiming it’s God’s word. The Bible warns you about this.

For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.

2 Timothy 4:3-4 (ESV)

As far as how to know who you are in Christ, reading your Bible from Genesis to Revelation helps you better understand who God is. When you know Him better, you understand His heart for you better. Then you start seeing yourself as He sees you—through the lens of His unconditional love, demonstrated through the sacrifice of Jesus’ life for you. And you start knowing who you are in Christ—the real you who God created you to be.

You can also study one of the gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John—in-depth, walking through Jesus’ life and ministry. Do a deep dive into His words and actions, and get to know who you are through His teaching and interactions with others.

Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.

Matthew 11:29-30 (NLT)

As you dig into your relationship with God, become a woman who’s after His heart, and let the Holy Spirit guide you daily, you’ll continually want to become more like Christ.

And as you grow in Him—as you come to believe you’re worthy of love and already loved just as you are—you stop striving to become who others think you should be.

Method 3: Do a Who I Am in Christ Bible Study

So you have Method 1—practice knowing who you are in Christ using a list or affirmations. And you have Method 2—read your Bible cover to cover so you know your Creator better and what God says about you.

Somewhere in between lies Method 3—doing a topical Bible study on who I am in Christ.

The truth is, you’ll never become the woman God created you to be and live the dreams He’s planted in you if you keep seeing yourself through the world’s eyes. You’ll stay in doubt and confusion about who you are because you’ve built your identity on shifting sand.

Instead, you need to anchor your identity in Christ. He’s the only one who always sees you through eyes of unconditional love and grace. There’s literally no better foundation on which to build your identity and self-image.

Who I am in Christ devotional

The 21-Day Who I Am in Christ Devotional is your guide for using God’s word to build—or rebuild—your identity when you’re on shaky ground. Each day, it walks you through Bible verses for knowing who you are in Christ, so you can step fully into who God created you to be.

You see, as you meditate on God’s word and start knowing who you are in Christ, you internalize it and make new decisions about who you are vs. who you want to be.

I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.

Psalm 119:11 (ESV)

Get the Who I Am in Christ Devotional and use it to root your identity in Christ, the only solid rock and unchanging foundation.

Your Next Steps for How to Know Who You Are in Christ

Now you’re aware of how to know who you are in Christ: go straight to the Source and find out for yourself. Because the Word of God is the solid foundation on which you need to build your identity.

Take any one of these steps to get going on knowing who you are in Christ:

  1. Practice knowing who you are in Christ using affirmations or a list. Internalize each statement of who you are in Christ so you start living it every day.
  2. Read your entire Bible or pick one of the gospels to discover who God is and His heart for you. Then you’ll come to know yourself through His eyes and step more into who He wants you to be.
  3. Get the Who I Am in Christ Bible study and do a focused, topical study through the Word. By the time 21 days are over, you’ll be worlds better at knowing who you are in Christ.

Back when I let my ex become my own personal Negative Nelly, picking apart every facet of my character and methodically breaking down my self-esteem, I let every damning conversation cast me adrift on a sea of self-doubt. All I could say for certain was, I didn’t like who I was becoming.

I don’t have that problem now because I know who I am in Christ, who I am to God, and the new life and freedom Christ died to give me.

Related: 31 Journaling Prompts When You Need To Know, “Who Am I?”

And should a day ever come again when I let the world cast me adrift again so I don’t know who I am, I know exactly how to re-anchor myself…in Christ.

Obviously, I’m not trying to win the approval of people, but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ’s servant.

Galatians 1:10 (NLT)

You can, too. You can have a victorious Christian life when you rediscover your true identity and can confidently say, “I know exactly who I am in Christ Jesus.”

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  1. Thank you for this bible study it has been so enlightening to me. I have struggled for years to be good enough and to be what others think I should be. God bless you.

    1. You’re very welcome, Carolyn. The struggle is real and you’re not alone in it ✊? but how freeing that you’re finding enlightenment through knowing who you are in Christ! Yay! ?

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