6 Clear Signs God Is Speaking to You (And You’re Missing It)

Inside: Get a free printable cheat sheet of signs God is speaking to you. Plus how to become more in tune so you don’t miss what He’s saying to you.

If you’re like me, you’ve had countless times in your life when you wanted God to speak to you, but you almost went deaf from His silence. And I wouldn’t be surprised if, like me, you’ve blown your top in frustration more than once, waiting for a response that never seems to come.

Once, when my frustration and desperation boiled over, I straight-up demanded God give me a burning bush moment (seriously, I did! And of course, He didn’t). But mostly I just waited around, stewing and tapping my proverbial foot, impatient for an answer.

Maybe you’re there now. Praying for clear direction—a vision, dream, or word—so you can know exactly what to do. And waiting, waiting, waiting for an answer that doesn’t come.

Unfortunately, you may wait forever. Because God often doesn’t respond the way you want or expect. So you miss Him altogether, then wrongly think you’re not special to God and He’s ignoring you.

Or maybe God is trying to get your attention, but you keep missing the ways He’s speaking to you.

So let’s talk about some signs God is speaking to you right now.

Bonus: As a bonus for joining my weekly newsletter, get this free printable download—The Hearing God Cheat Sheet. It gives you 6 guaranteed signs He’s speaking to you so you can stop missing it.

But First, Know This

Before we jump in though, let’s address 2 elephants in the room.

First, does God always hear your prayers?

Yes, always. This promise is all over the Bible. Here’s an example.

I cried out to him with my mouth, and praise was on my tongue. If I had been aware of malice in my heart, the Lord would not have listened. However, God has listened; he has paid attention to the sound of my prayer.

Psalm 66:17-19 (CSB)

Related: How To Know For Sure That God Hears Our Prayers

Second, is it possible that God ignores some of your prayers?

No, He never does. You’re God’s daughter and He never ignores His children. He promises that too.

Blessed be God! He has not turned away my prayer or turned his faithful love from me.

Psalm 66:20 (CSB)

Of course, you can always dive into deeper resources on how to triumph over God’s silence in your life (spoiler alert: it’s not Him, it’s you!).

But for now, let’s take it as read that He always hears your prayers and responds without fail.

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6 Biblical Signs God Is Speaking To You

But you’ve been pouring out your heart to God in desperation, and getting nothing but crickets in response.

So if God always hears and answers your prayers, why aren’t you hearing Him in return?

Lots of possible reasons why God seems silent may be tripping you up. But one could be that you’re looking to hear from God one way, while He’s speaking to you another way. So let’s look at 6 signs that God is speaking to you, so you can stop missing Him.

Important note: God isn’t limited to these 6 ways.

He’s God; He can speak to you anytime, anywhere, and in any way He wants. But these are some common ways God speaks that you may overlook.

Each sign is backed up by Scripture, which is timeless since God’s word never expires.

Below, you can get this free printable cheat sheet of signs God is speaking to you, as a handy reminder when you need it.

1. Sign God Is Speaking to You—His Word

One of the simplest ways God speaks is through His word.

Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another—showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God’s way. Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 (MSG)

A sign that God is speaking to you is when the same type of verses or theme keeps coming up.

For example, a few years ago, every time I turned around, the theme of true love kept slapping me in the face.

At the time, I was struggling with feeling unworthy and unloved, and I was wondering if I even truly knew how to love. As an answer, God spoke to me by sending me scripture after scripture on the subject of love in different ways over a period of time.

2. Sign God Is Speaking to You—Audibly

Before you discount this sign of God speaking to you, remember that Jesus spoke audibly and directly to Saul on the Damascus road.

Falling to the ground, he heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” “Who are you, Lord?” Saul said. “I am Jesus, the one you are persecuting,” he replied. “But get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.” The men who were traveling with him stood speechless, hearing the sound but seeing no one.

Acts 9:4-7 (CSB)

You may think God doesn’t work this way anymore. But I can testify that He does because He’s spoken audibly and directly to me. And like Saul, my whole life changed forever in a few brief seconds.

3. Sign God Is Speaking to You—Other People

One of the signs that God is speaking to you is wise counsel from other people. This can take different forms.

For example, like Moses, you may receive wise advice:

When Moses’s father-in-law saw everything he was doing for them he asked, “What is this you’re doing for the people? Why are you alone sitting as judge, while all the people stand around you from morning until evening?”…“What you’re doing is not good,” Moses’s father-in-law said to him…Now listen to me; I will give you some advice, and God be with you.

Exodus 18:14, 17, 19a  (CSB)

Or like David after Bathsheba-gate, you may receive wise correction:

Nathan said to David, “You are the man! Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, ‘I anointed you king over Israel, and I delivered you out of the hand of Saul. And I gave you your master’s house and your master’s wives into your arms and gave you the house of Israel and of Judah. And if this were too little, I would add to you as much more. Why have you despised the word of the Lord, to do what is evil in his sight?

2 Samuel 12:7-9a (ESV)

Or like the Ethiopian eunuch, you may receive wise teaching:

And the Spirit said to Philip, “Go over and join this chariot.” So Philip ran to him and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet and asked, “Do you understand what you are reading?” And he said, “How can I, unless someone guides me?” And he invited Philip to come up and sit with him.

Acts 8:29-31 (ESV)

But be sure to double-check wise counsel.

Before you swallow it whole, check if the wise counsel you receive is also godly.

Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see if they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

1 John 4:1 (CSB)

But how can you check if what sounds like wise counsel is, in fact, godly? Do it by reading your Bible and knowing God’s word for yourself.

Then when others counsel you, you’ll know if what they’re saying aligns with God’s word.

Bonus: As a bonus for joining my weekly newsletter, get this free printable download—The Hearing God Cheat Sheet. It gives you 6 guaranteed signs He’s speaking to you so you can stop missing it.

4. Sign God Is Speaking to You—Visions and Dreams

Throughout the whole Bible, you can find lots of examples of God speaking to people through visions and dreams, in different circumstances.

For example, He warned the Three Magi in a dream:

When it was time to leave, they returned to their own country by another route, for God had warned them in a dream not to return to Herod.

Matthew 2:12 (NLT)

He encouraged and instructed Paul in a vision:

The Lord said to Paul in a night vision, “Don’t be afraid, but keep on speaking and don’t be silent.

Acts 18:9 (CSB)

And, of course, the entire book of Revelation is a vision that God has shared with the whole world through the apostle John.

5. Sign God Is Speaking to You—an Inner Knowing

If you’re a born-again, baptized believer in Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit is always with you.

But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you.

John 14:26 (CSB)

If you’ll tune your ears and listen to Him you’ll notice Him faithfully nudging you in the right direction.

But how can you be sure whether your inner knowing is your own desire or if it’s the Holy Spirit?

Again, use the test of God’s word. If your gut doesn’t line up with what God says, it’s not Him, it’s all you.

6. Sign God Is Speaking to You—Clear or Blocked Paths

One of the signs God is speaking to you is when He blocks or clears your path. The way He did for Paul and Silas:

Next Paul and Silas traveled through the area of Phrygia and Galatia, because the Holy Spirit had prevented them from preaching the word in the province of Asia at that time. Then coming to the borders of Mysia, they headed north for the province of Bithynia, but again the Spirit of Jesus did not allow them to go there. So instead, they went on through Mysia to the seaport of Troas.

Acts 16:6-8 (NLT)

Of course, you should be persistent in pursuing your goals! But if they’re out of step with how God wants you to live or the plan He has for you? He’ll block you and frustrate the process.

On the other hand, when God wants you to go a certain way, He’ll pop open an unexpected window for you to climb through. It’s up to you to keep your eyes peeled for these divine but sometimes ordinary-looking opportunities.

Hearing God cheat sheet
Get your FREE printable download to open your eyes and ears—The Hearing God Cheat Sheet.

Self-Check: Are You Ignoring Signs God Is Speaking to You?

Now, let’s explore your awareness and recognition of these signs God is speaking to you.

But first, full disclosure: for years, signs of God speaking to me were all over the place. And I stayed deaf, dumb, and blind, ignoring every single one to my detriment.

For God speaks time and again, but a person may not notice it.

Job 33:14 (CSB)

So please know, I’m asking you the following questions from a place of love and wanting the best for you. Answer honestly so you can stop making the same mistakes I did and, instead, make new, better decisions.

1. God’s Word

Do you do your devotions or Bible study every day but consciously choose to live in direct opposition to His word?

If so, you’re missing an obvious sign God is speaking to you.

2. God’s Audible Voice

Maybe you’ve heard testimonies of people hearing God speak to them. Do you believe God can speak audibly to you?

If you’re wondering if God has spoken audibly to you but you missed it, don’t worry; you haven’t.

Believe me, you’d have to be completely spiritually blind, deaf, and dumb to miss Him if He does.

3. Wise Counsel

Do you receive wise counsel through teachers and a godly friend or two but dig your heels in and dismiss it?

You probably do this when their wise advice doesn’t line up with what you want to do. So you set yourself up to miss a clear sign that God is speaking to you.

4. Visions & Dreams

Has God given you visions or dreams that you diminish or disregard? You’re likely to do this when the vision He gives you isn’t the big, important one you’re looking for.

But listen to the voice of experience and wisdom:

Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.

Zechariah 4:10a (NLT)

You may also ignore this sign of God speaking when the vision is so huge, it feels scary and impossible. In this case, listen to Jesus’ wise advice.

But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Matthew 19:26 (ESV)

5. Your Inner Knowing

Is your gut telling you something is off or that you need to make a radical change in your life, but you reject it? This feeling may be a sign from God.

For example, your unhappiness is very likely God telling you something is wrong in your life that needs fixing.

And you’re rejecting it because you’re afraid of what you know you need to do. Or because you just plain don’t want to do it since you’ll have to leave your comfort zone.

Related: What’s Wrong With Me? 3 Simple Steps To More Fulfillment

6. Blocked Paths

Are you plowing ahead with stubborn focus and determination, going after what God is blocking?

Kudos to you for being persistent in getting what you want. In fact, you may be so tunnel-visioned that you choose to ignore this sign of God speaking to you.

By hook or by crook, no matter what stands in your way, you’ll accomplish what you’ve decided is best for you.

Here’s the thing though. You won’t find the joy and satisfaction you think are waiting for you over there. Not when you’re chasing what God doesn’t want for you.

How to Hear When God Is Trying to Speak to You

Now you know how to recognize some signs God is speaking to you. Plus, you’re aware of some ways you may be the one doing the ignoring, not Him.

Let’s talk now about how you can become more in tune so you don’t miss what God is trying to tell you.

Do this by asking yourself 3 critical questions.

1. Are you listening?

You’ve been praying without ceasing about your current problem, right? And not hearing back from God about it?

That right there may be your problem: you’re doing all of the talking and none of the listening.

So try to be quiet and listen.

2. Are you in step?

When you’re praying and looking for a sign from God in answer, check if you’re in step with His word in the area you’re praying about.

If you’re not, you already have your answer.

3. Are you willing?

God may be speaking to you through sign after sign. But you may be hiding your head in the sand because His answer requires you to be brave.

But you don’t have to be afraid because—without fail—God’s plan is always better than yours.

Your job is to trust and obey Him through the discomfort. This approach will accelerate your spiritual growth to warp speed.

Related: Hello, Victory & Courage: 3 Powerful Prayers For Fear

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Your Part in Recognizing Signs of God Speaking to You

As you now know, God speaks to you through His word, His Holy Spirit, and many other ways.

But you’re responsible for getting with the program, tuning in, and learning how to hear Him. This truth is literally all over the Bible.

Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.

Revelation 3:20 (ESV)

Incline your ear, and come to me; hear, that your soul may live; and I will make with you an everlasting covenant, my steadfast, sure love for David.

Isaiah 55:3 (ESV)

You shall walk after the Lord your God and fear him and keep his commandments and obey his voice, and you shall serve him and hold fast to him.

Deuteronomy 13:4 (ESV)

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.

John 10:27 (ESV)

These scriptures on hearing God say this isn’t a passive activity. You don’t sit back and wait for Him to wave His magic wand and abracadabra all your dreams to life.

Yes, He’ll drop godly wisdom on you. But mostly, hearing God’s voice means knowing Him.

I mean, how will you know it’s God speaking to you if you don’t know who He is, the types of things He says, and how He operates?

So your job is to tune your spiritual ears to God’s frequency. When you do, you’ll learn to recognize signs He’s speaking to you.

Get Your Free Printable Cheat Sheet for Hearing God

Confusion, frustration, and lack of knowledge can make you miss signs God is speaking to you. But you can get back in tune with Him.

Use this cheat sheet as a guide to help you recognize when God is speaking to you. You’ll get the 6 Scripture-based signs, plus related Bible verses for each sign.

  1. Get the free guide. You’ll get the printable guide and join my weekly newsletter. Just click here to get it and subscribe.
  2. Print. Any type of paper will do.
  3. Keep your guide where you can easily grab it when you need it, like with your Bible or prayer journal.

Here’s a sneak peek of your free printable guide:

Checklist of Signs God Is Speaking to You

Truly, God speaks to you every day in all the ways we’ve covered, plus many more!

But, like I was, you may be so caught up in only listening out for what you want to hear that you’re missing most of what He’s saying.

And to be honest, knowing if God is talking to you isn’t easy when you’re not used to listening to Him.

But the good news is, you can practice and get better at it!

So slow down from your frantic desperate pleas for an answer. Take a deep breath of calm and bring yourself into God’s presence. Then open your eyes and look for the inevitable signs all around you of what God has to say to you.

Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.

Jeremiah 33:3 (ESV)

Before you go, get your FREE printable download to help open your eyes and earsThe Hearing God Cheat Sheet.

How to Know When God Is Speaking to You Checklist

Use this quick checklist of questions when you need to know if God is speaking to you. Get the free printable download to keep with your Bible as a handy reminder when you need it.

  • Is God speaking to you through His word? Look for repeated verses or devotional themes.
  • Is God speaking to you audibly? You won’t miss it if He does!
  • Is God using other people to give you wise counsel? Check their advice against God’s word.
  • Is God speaking to you through visions and dreams? He may be warning, encouraging, or instructing you.
  • Is God speaking to you through an inner knowing? Don’t miss His indwelling Holy Spirit trying to guide you in the right direction.
  • Is God clearing or blocking your path? Look for unexpected (sometimes scary) opportunities and persistent (sometimes disappointing) obstructions.

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  1. Thank you so much! Really enjoyed this article and all the examples of the lord trying to speak to us. #Godgotit

    1. You’re welcome, Charles. Happy it helped!

      1. Thank you, be blessed

        1. You’re welcome! And God’s richest blessings for you too.

    2. Leo odhiambo says:

      The article really changed my spirit Shalom

      1. I’m so glad it touched and changed you, Leo!

      2. Dani Chacko. says:

        I stumbled into this page right now sitting alone in my car, 24 March 2023. I don’t Like anyone’s sympathy, and i am just so lost and wanted God to speak to me. I left a year back after the girl i was with betrayed me. I am 39, parents passed away, elder sibling as good as dead and all alone. Nothing is working. This article is reminding me to do the things mentioned like read the Word to hear from God. I can’t see when this article is written and if this author is dead or alive. But i am gonna try whats written in here. And i hope this time at least, i will get a heart to one God and do what He wants of me. I have been chasing my life without a purpose so far and got no where. I still have hope in God bcz the world doesnt make sense and my own life doesn’t make without Him. Prophet Uebert Angel came here in my city Dubai and i am feeling a spark again in my life. Hope i find this page once again when i get a testimony. I dont like words like “its gonna be ok”. Iron sharpeneth iron and i would rather have that than buttering and flattery.

        1. I’m so glad you’ve found hope here, Dani, and in God’s word. Keep looking for signs God is speaking to you so you don’t miss any of what He has to say!

    3. EZEH SOLOMON says:

      Kris may the Almighty God richly bless you and always give you more wisdom of teaching, and kindly be praying for us to come up spiritually and be aligned with Gods plan for us .Amen

    4. Emmanuel elias says:

      Thanks for the teachings

    5. Jessica Sabas says:

      I think God spoke to me to read this article. It’s 11 am and I am at work but due to the current situation with my relationship I found myself asking whether God is closer to me and I am missing Him. I decided to google and was directed to this page and I am grateful for the insights you shared. I have given myself some action points to work on as soon as today evening. I am going to purchase a notebook and name it “War book” in this book I will write everything I want to say to God and all I hear from Him. Thank you for inspiring me and for the tools you provided I am ready to get to work 🙂

      1. Yes! Jessica, I’m so glad you’re taking action on what you read. Keep going and take your next step—whatever it is that God shows you—with courage and confidence!

  2. Thank you so very much. In my case, through you, God spoke.

    1. That’s wonderful, Dennis. God can speak to you in lots of ways, including through this blog ?

  3. Caroline Burke says:

    Thank you, your explanations are amazing. I am going to start listening and watching for his words.

    1. You’re welcome, Caroline. God speaks to you in many different ways; keep your ears and eyes peeled and you’ll notice Him for sure.

      1. I am glad I ran into this article. I’ve been struggling with anxiety, losing my job, abnormal Pap smear, being in an almost 11 years unhealthy and unequally yoked relationship that I am unhappy in, but afraid of being alone, scared I’ll never be with who God wants me to be with and not have kids. But time and time again God spoke to me in different ways. About 10 years ago I prayed for God that I wished to get married and have kids. About two days after that prayer, a lady whom I had never met, told me that I would have my husband and my kids. I never told anyone about that prayer and I had just met the lady at a restaurant. That was God speaking through her. Of course I still get days where I hear the enemy say, “it’ll never happen” but I know the enemy lies. I also keep seeing the story about Hannah and the baby she prayed for. I feel like when those days of me feeling inpatient comes God reminds me of the promise he made to me. I trust that everything that will come to pass will come to pass. Whomever God knows isn’t part of his plan he will remove them from my life. I trust him through the up’s and downs in life and will try to be still and quiet.

        1. I’m glad you found the article helpful, Melissa. Yes, for sure God can remove those who aren’t meant for you from your life. But remember that God gave you a sound mind to decide that someone doesn’t belong in your life. And He’s given you the ability to act accordingly.

  4. Well written and easy to read and understand. I find it helpful. Thanks!

  5. Thank you for your article. It was very well written and very informative. I think people who are early in their search, and even those who have been walking with Jesus for a while can gain knowledge from your words. You are indeed proof that God speaks through people. God bless you!

    1. Thanks, Denis 🙂 I’m glad you found this article helpful.

  6. Jody-kay Wallace says:

    Thanks for this article truly I believe God sent you to me bcuz I have been struggling so much with this problem in my journey. Thanks again God bless you

    1. You’re not alone, Jody-Kay. More people than you think are missing signs that God is speaking to them that are all around. I’ve been there myself! I’m so glad this article helped! 🙂

  7. Thank you for this! Started to feel crazy about something that I knew God was telling me clear as day and that I was at peace with when I worry so much. This helped me to see that it is God and not just the enemy.

    1. You’re welcome! You’re not alone in driving yourself crazy with doubts about if God is speaking to you. So glad this article helped.

    2. Thank you so much, you gave me understanding, I realize that I must be patients. Robert Florida

  8. Living Lost Forever says:

    Honestly don’t know what to make of this article. A lifetime of trying earnestly to follow and serve Him has produced no results in matters which really need His help. Lost and unwanted, my efforts clearly do not please Him, and I’m left with nothing but more of the same.

    1. I’m so sorry that you feel like your efforts to follow God haven’t produced results, and that He hasn’t helped you and isn’t pleased with you. I don’t know your story and therefore can’t speak specifically to it. However, if you believe that God doesn’t lie and that His word is truth, then go back to Romans 8:35-39. From there, seek God for why you feel like there’s all this distance and lack of love between you and Him. And tune your ear to hear His answer because He’s always faithful to answer when you seek Him with all your heart.

  9. Grew up a pastor’s daughter. I’ve always known that Jesus was real, and I prayed, but I’ve never heard him answer. Thank you so much for giving this piece of your mind!

    1. You’re welcome, Naomi. I’m also a pastor’s daughter who never heard it talked about that God speaks to you in different ways. So happy I found it out and that I get to share it with you.

  10. Well I know now it was me! My blindness and deaf ear caused me more pain than I ever imagined. I’m so thankful to be on this road with GOD. I never thought I could feel so loved without being in a relationship. Thank you so much for letting GOD use you.

    1. You’re not alone, Christy! In our walk with Him, most of us miss the signs that God’s giving us while we continue to wonder why He’s not saying anything. I’m so happy you found clarity and comfort here, and that you feel awash in God’s love!

  11. Thank you for your post! Very insightful and inspiring! I’m going through a transition far away from home to go to school. I don’t want to get home sick when anxieties kick in! I know it’s is not from God but I pray for the Holy Spirit to desern me to the right path. I know God heard my prayers and you are right; I have to listen more and stay still.

    Thank you!

    1. You’re very welcome, Becky! It’s normal to be afraid when you’re going through a big change. But remember that God hasn’t given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. So keep doing what you’re doing–depending on the Holy Spirit for guidance and taking the next step He tells you to. You and God have got this! <3

      1. Chipo Matasva says:

        Thank you Kris. The Lord our God is using you!!!Today after reading about how God speaks to me i realized that he had been speaking to me since long back but i was missing it. Secondly..im touched by Hannah that she vowed to the lord that when she got a baby boy ..she would bring back the child to God and a razor will not touch his head and Hannah stood by her words.

        Lastly is about Jonah..With tears i understood the Lord.Jonah said to lord ”kill me..because i am a sinner”.coming back to myself. I have sinned more than i know.but the lord is merciful. He is always on my side and these days i hear the voice of the lord’. May God bless you. I am so touched.

        1. I’m so glad you’ve started recognizing the signs that God is speaking to you, Chipo! Your testimony is amazing ?

  12. Monica Mendoza says:

    Thank you i needed this i got some knowledge and i guess he has been talking to me and i was missing it.Im ready for what god want me to do i will be quiet and try hard to listen cuz i want to hear and do what he want me to do.Hes beening trying to guide me in the right direction i feel since ive read the helpful signs.Yes i been having problems with my daughter her hanging around a bad crowd and she doing things she shouldn’t at the age of 14 well she just turned 15.I get so frustrated with her running away lying about me to people she stays gone for days at a time.But i understand a lil now that god is speaking to me i just need to listen.Thank you Father God.I want you to know i love you continue to guide me and lead me to the path you have for me .Thank you from the bottom of my Heart?❤❤❤

    1. I’m so glad you’ve started spotting the signs that God is speaking to you, Monica! 🙂

  13. Sharon Thornell says:

    what if your not asking God for anything except to just prove He’s
    there, prove He’s real???

    1. I’m sure every one of us can relate to feeling like this, Sharon. The thing is, we often confuse God with a magician or conjurer who should perform on command. He isn’t and He doesn’t because He’s our God of the universe, not our puppet. Asking Him to prove He’s real? He’s already provided the proof in His act of creation. And where that leaves off, this is where your faith comes in; Hebrews 11 talks all about it. Perhaps ask God to help your unbelief (like the father did in Mark 9:24) and help you build up your faith in Him.

  14. Thank you for the clarity I needed, was in a relationship that God keep telling me it’s not the right one for me. I keep hearing this but I ignored it because I didn’t want to be alone even though I was not happy. I only hurt myself because I didn’t listen for so long now I am sad, depressed, and feeling of loneliness but I will stay in faith and believe and trust God. I got to believe God has another plan and direction he’s taking me. ??

    1. It takes a lot of strength to pay attention when God is speaking to you, Sylvia. And to walk away from a situation in which you’ve invested years of your life, even when it’s not a great situation. I’ve been there and done that. This seems like a great time to rejoice and praise God for His mercy and the fresh grace (and opportunities!) that He’s pouring out on you. It’s also an opportunity to find shelter under His wing and to draw closer to Him as you trust Him to walk with you through this season. You go, girl! ??

  15. Steven Brooks says:

    There’s this guy at work who is completely lazy and annoying does nothing but talk, talk, talk to anyone he can instead of working, I feel I should say something to higher management but I’m not sure if it is God’s will or not, what should I do?

    1. It can be tough when you see someone not doing what you think is right. But this may simply be your sense of fair play (why does he get to talk non-stop and everyone else has to work non-stop?) that’s causing your annoyance. Consider praying and asking God what He wants you to do. And when you do, remember to get quiet and listen for His answer.

  16. I’ve been a believer for as long as I can remember in the power of prayer. But, I’ve always struggled with knowing that God has truly called me into the ministry I’m in, which is lead g worship.
    I’ve cried, begged, pleaded, sit still, waited, kept silent, everything I know to do, but can’t get direction, or hear His voice speaking to my heart.
    It’s to the point to where, I am now doubting everything I thought to be true, because I feel so rejected.
    I am at a loss…

    1. Christy, it sure hurts when it feels like you’re begging God for answers and He seems silent. Check out this post for some possible reasons why that may be happening. Meanwhile, remember that God never changes, and neither does His love for you. So you’ll have to decide which you trust more: God’s unchanging word or your ever-changing feelings.

      1. Kris I have been on off with husband for 3 years now. We have strong chemistry but we are not on same levels and tunes. He is kinda toxic too and leaves me out of his financial major decisions when separated and I only find out when we reconcile that things are in his moms name. It hurts then when I tell him he says I dont listen to his word over my 15 year old son (his stepson) How is that comparable a mothers love to protect care for a child to buying house without my input or knowledge or name on title?

        1. Dawn Zimmerle says:

          Edna, I have been where you are except no stepchild. This man is wrong for you and his mom is more involved than you know. He will never change or trust or share with you. Please start a new life with your son even if it means getting help from your parents or relatives or friends. Get a job and get away from this toxic person. I did and I found a really good man.

      2. I am so greatful for this message. I shouldn’t ignore anymore the signs. I have my life to Jesus Christ in 2002 and i have seen speak to me in all the ways you have mentioned.am sorry I sometimes back felt God was talking too much to me and i gambled but for a week I couldn’t hear anymore from Him.really I should be appreciative. And i have been discipling others on how to learn to hear from God.

        1. I’m so happy you’ve found it useful!

  17. Sheila Artis says:

    I really enjoyed this article. It has helped me to more understand about listening to God. Thank you!

    1. You’re welcome, Sheila. I’m so glad you found it illuminating.

    2. Brittany Jones says:

      I agree Sheila

  18. Kristine, this post was exactly what I needed to read this evening. My husband has recently asked for a separation and divorce. As a Christian woman who took my vows and marriage very seriously, I am devastated and heartbroken. I’m so torn between whether or not accept this or hold faith in my heart. I’m can’t differentiate between my gut (which is telling me to give up) and God. Until then, I just pray and let go, let God.

    1. A very painful situation, Nicole. Keep praying and keep your eyes and ears peeled for God speaking to you as He guides you through this difficult time.

  19. Wow! This article is right on time. I have been struggling with transitioning from one career to another. I feel like I have not been hearing from God but this article has helped to clarify quite a few things. Thank you for writing this article!

    1. You’re very welcome, Iris! I’m so glad it’s helping you to see the signs that God is talking to you 🙂

  20. I’m like a baby Christian I’m like asking all the time if God speaks to me and I’m sure he has in scripture I’m missing it completely this helps I really need to just set an appointment with him …I been waking up around 3 and 4 am past couple days is it possible he’s telling me to spend time with him?

    1. It absolutely is possible, Angie. In my experience, tithing the first portion of your day to God pays dividends later on!

  21. How about if none of those steps are happening? They’ve happened in the past but now recently. Maybe Im suppose to sit in silence?

    1. You may be right, Gail. Sitting in silence is probably the hardest thing to do, especially when you’re used to acting. But sometimes God comes to you as a still, small voice.

  22. Can God give you a sign by playing a song over and over again?

    1. God sometimes speaks through repeated messages, usually from His word. But He’s God; He’s not confined to any one way of communicating with you.

  23. Thank you so much for this, Kris. Perfect timing as I have been struggling after the death of my parents, my divorce, career changes and moving. It’s been rough and I’m realizing I need to be still and let God handle this. Lesson in patience for sure!
    God bless you!

    1. Yes! That’s a lot to handle at once, Kim. But you can come through this tough season closer to God than you’ve ever been in your life. I’ve found that it’s when everything you’ve been clinging to has been stripped away that you’re most willing to hear Him and to do His will. Hang in there.

  24. Lisa burgess says:

    I’ve been married 28 years my husband is the one that got me back in church. He’s good to everyone except my son and I . I want to leave him but he want let me he does what he wants but I can’t have friends I wait on him all the time. He won’t let me work judges me , I know you don’t get divorced but I feel like I can’t do what God wants me to do because of him.

    1. I’m so sorry you’re going through this, Lisa. You may want to check out this post, which can help clarify things for you.

  25. Gena Thompson says:

    I’ve been divorced for a year. My ex and I still attend the same small church. Recently, I’ve been thinking of changing churches because I’m having anxiety attacks pulling up to church and seeing his truck. I’ve talked to my pastors wife and she says I just need to keep praying and wait for God to tell me what to do. I’m feeling like God is telling me to move on and find something that is more comfortable to me. Am I wrong? Should I keep having these attacks and pray they just go away? Or he telling me in my gut it’s time to move on?

    1. It’s easy to let people’s voices override what God’s telling you, Gena. It sounds like you already know exactly what you need to do.

  26. After reading I feel free and full of faith with God, I’ll learn more and more.


  27. May I please get prayer to trust and obey God, even during difficult and scary situations? Thank you

  28. This has been very helpful. God revealed my husband’s death to me 3 times in 3 different dreams. A still, small voice whispered to me that “My husband is only with me for a season. I shared my experience’s with a few people and was told that it was the devil speaking to me and giving me the dreams of his death but in my heart I don’t believe it was satanic. I believe it was God. I never thought it could be satan showing or telling me these things until someone else mentioned it. Ultimately my husband did die months later from cancer. I never question God. I believe in Him with every fiber of my being and I value my relationship with Him. I’d like to know what you think. God bless you and keep you.

  29. Hi, thank you for this reading. It’s been very helpful. However, I have this feeling and a voice telling me to go back to my home country, although I am half way through studying. I withdrew from the course last year for nine months, I became sober and on the straight and narrow path, I have always been a believer in God, gone to church and even got baptised in 2013. I am not totally sure if I am meant to go back home. I have anxiety about it but am at peace even though I would have to find somewhere to live. I feel that God speaks to me audibly, through feelings in my gut and through other people too, I have surrendered my all to Him and I want to live out his plan for my life. How do I know if this is truly God that I am hearing audibly giving me these instructions?

    1. I’m glad you found this article helpful, Suvi. Anxiety in the face of change is totally normal. If you feel that peace that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:6-7), then it’s a matter of whether or not you trust God to work things out for your good and His glory as you step out!

  30. Thank you so much this has helped me a lot already and I just finished reading it. Let me talk you how, I was scrolling through the comments and the bottom page popped up where it said Hello, my darling for a second and went back up. I immediately felt God’s presence around my room, and felt this was a way of Him speaking to me. Just to be sure, do you think it was Him.

    1. You’re very welcome, Ethan. God speaks in many ways. And you’re the only one who can decide that you’re sure you felt His love wrap around you when you read those words. I can tell you that one time I felt His love wrap around me as I drove up the side of a dormant volcano somewhere in East Africa. And no one can tell me I didn’t feel that.

  31. Please guide me how to pray for a friend that I need to talk to but he’s not returning my texts. I have tried to let it go but something in my mind keeps telling me to text him. He has now muted my texts notifications so basically he can ignore my texts. How can I ask God to bring him back to talking to me again? I miss our talks

    1. This kind of situation definitely hurts. But God doesn’t force anyone (including your friend) to do anything they don’t want to do–that’s why He gave us free will. So if your friend doesn’t want to talk to you anymore, God isn’t going to make Him do that. Your friend has to want you in his life too. But here’s the thing: letting this friendship go may make way for new things that God has for you!

  32. Dimas Divine Adims says:

    Am really blessed with everything you have said which seems to show us no matter the circumstances we should hold unto God he will never fails us if only we will give him a listening ear ? God bless you.

    1. Well said! God always has a word for us, if only we’ll pipe down and listen up.

  33. Thank you SO very much! i have been struggling w/knowing what it is God’s will about something i have been praying about for a while. And this article hit it on the head! I struggle what it is God wants me to do. But with His will and the peace I feel instead of the usual turmoil perhaps it’s time for me to shut up and listen! Thank you! have a great day

    1. You’re very welcome, Jenny. Often, when we’re seeking God about something we forget to stop talking and listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying. I’m so glad you found the help you were looking for here.

  34. I Google for help because I felt I was getting send in the wrong direction and my thoughts in my head where keeping me away from praying and asking for GODs help. I was getting frustrated trying to ask GOD for help and how to really know when he was speaking to me . I felt in my heart I needed to see what I was doing wrong . So thank you , this opened my eyes to a new perspective. Have a bless day ??

    1. I’m so glad you found the guidance you needed here for signs God is speaking to you, Rosemary!

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