2-Minute Prayer for Love and Peace at Home [Powerful, Practical, New]

Inside: This brand-new prayer for love and peace at home will lift your spirits and renew your strength. Use it when you don’t know what to say or need encouragement.

I blinked my eyes open as my sluggish mind came to life. The light in the room told me it was a brand new day, but I didn’t feel ready for it.

Before I could brace myself, my belly sank as I remembered the colossal mess of my world at home. But I slammed the door on those anxious thoughts before they could grab me by the throat and drag me down the familiar rabbit hole.

I told myself I didn’t time to indulge them but really, I was tired of thinking about the tension and unhappiness in my home. Gnawing on it over and over again hadn’t gotten me anywhere, so what was the point?

Instead, I ignored it all and mentally reviewed my to-do list for the day. Then I rolled out of bed, quick and quiet like a ninja so I wouldn’t disturb the man still asleep next to me.

All I wanted was a few precious moments to fantasize about love and peace in my home before reality intruded again.

Bonus: As a bonus for joining my weekly newsletter, get this free printable download—Your Faith & Trust Reboot. It gives you 5 simple tweaks to power up your prayers for direction so you can triumph over doubt and fear.

Why You Need a Prayer for Love and Peace Now

By then, I’d perfected my ninja roll out of bed. I was so good at it, I barely rustled the sheets anymore.

You see, my relationship was toxic and I didn’t know it, it seemed like my boyfriend was always mad at me for something, and nothing I did was good enough for him.

I spent most of my time at home—heck, most of my time away from it too—wondering what was wrong with me. So is it any wonder why I was trying to slide out of bed without waking him? I just wanted to start my day with a feeling of love and peace before unhappiness took over again.

Related: My Husband Turns Everything around on Me: 3 Unusual Tips to Restore Your Peace

If you’re at all like me, you know exactly how I felt. You like peace and shun conflict. Sure, you may come across as confident and willing to fight for what matters to you. But still, tension and fighting aren’t your thing.

This is why you try to create an environment of perfect peace for yourself and your loved ones. As a woman who’s peace-loving at your core, you bend over backward to have a home where peace and love reign.

This is why it kills you when your home—your haven of love and peace—becomes tension-riddled. When discomfort settles like a toxic cloud over your sanctuary. When it lingers like an obnoxious guest who won’t take the hint to leave.

It’s how you’ve managed to perfect the art of walking on eggshells, and you’re pretty much over it.

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What You Did Before

But you’ve done what you can to ease things back into normalcy. Of course, you have!

You’ve subjected yourself to far too many uncomfortable conversations to count. You’ve begged and pleaded for forgiveness where you’ve been the one who’s upset the applecart, and a return to peace where you haven’t. Head hanging low, you’ve offered contrite apologies, even going so far as to take on blame you didn’t honestly believe you deserved.

Then when none of it has yielded fruit, you choked out desperate prayers for love and peace in your home.

Yet despite all your efforts, not one thing has worked. The towering wall of tension remains, and you don’t know what to do now.

Bonus: As a bonus for joining my weekly newsletter, get this free printable download—Your Faith & Trust Reboot. It gives you 5 simple tweaks to power up your prayers for direction so you can triumph over doubt and fear.

But Here’s the Problem

Let’s come back to your desperate prayers for a moment. Up until now, what have you said in those prayers?

  • Lord, I need you to bring peace to my relationship and restore love and peace in my home. Please change and fix things, Lord. Please change his mind and heart toward me. Because I don’t know how much longer I can hang on.

Or something along those lines?

The thing is, a prayer for love and peace like this won’t work. Here’s why: You’re asking God to magic up new circumstances for you, to change someone or something so your pain and suffering will end.

Related: A Letter to My Boyfriend about My Hurt Feelings: 7 Priceless Life Lessons

In my experience, God doesn’t operate like this. He’s not Gandalf, waving His holy wand to make your life all of a sudden feel good again.

And whereas God has given us commands to live by, He still leaves the choice up to us. He isn’t going to force anyone to change if they don’t want to.

Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!

Deuteronomy 30:19 (NLT)

This means your prayers for the other person in your battle for peace to change probably won’t get you very far. Not unless they’re ready to soften their heart and meet you on the road back to harmony in your home.

So how about a new prayer for love and peace instead?

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Get your FREE printable download to power up your prayers for faith—Your Faith & Trust Reboot.

Getting Ready to Pray for Love and Peace

This prayer for love and peace is a complete prayer but you can also use it as a guide. So you can say it exactly as it’s written or you can adapt it to your particular situation as you pray over the situation in your home.

It’s not a long prayer—you can pray it in 2 minutes or less. But as you pray, feel into the prayer. This is how you’ll renew your strength and reignite your hope for peace in your home.

Related: Hello, Victory & Courage: 3 Powerful Prayers For Fear

Before you dive into this prayer for love and peace, keep these prayer guidelines in mind.

  1. Prayer is supposed to be a conversation between you and God. So as you say your prayers for love and peace, pour out your heart knowing God hears our prayers. But also get quiet and listen so you can start hearing God’s voice.
  2. Start off your prayer for love and peace at home with praise. Remember who God is, not only what He can do for you. This way, you’ll enter your prayer time with a submitted heart instead of only trying to get God to make your situation better.
  3. God loves you without limits or conditions. But He isn’t sitting around waiting to grant your every wish just because you think it’s what’s best for you, or because you’re uncomfortable. Let God be God and trust Him to work things out for your good and His glory.

Now, let’s pray.

A New Prayer For Love And Peace

Lord God, thank You for how You’ve made me—a peace-lover who tries to bring harmony to those around me. Thank you for giving me the gift of calm steadiness, which usually helps keep peace in our home, especially when external storms come.

Thanks also for making us all different. This is part of what makes life interesting! So although the people I love are different from me, I can still love and appreciate them, exactly as they are, because You made us all.

Father, you see my pain right now—the upheaval taking over my home and relationship. Tension and discomfort have driven out my peace and are endangering our love. And now I’m at the end of my rope.

Holy Spirit, I know the only thing I control here is me, so I offer up myself to You, my thoughts, words, and actions. As far as it depends on me, please help me to stand as an example of Christ’s love and peace.

I also know my lack of peace about this situation isn’t because of what someone else has said or done. It’s because of what I’ve chosen to think about their words and actions. And I know I can choose to take their words and actions any way I want, then act in any way I want.

So I submit my heart and home to You, Lord, and pray for a restoration of love and peace to both. I invite you to work by whatever means You see fit, according to Your will. And however You choose to move in my heart and home, I pray for the faith to follow You through my fear.

Thank You, Lord, for what You’re already doing. I pray all this in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

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Your Turn to Say a Prayer for Love and Peace

I spent way too many years doing the ninja roll out of my bed, just to avoid conflict and preserve my peace.

Trying to ignore the tension and unhappiness infecting my home. Saying prayer after prayer for love from my partner, even while I neglected loving myself. Hurling desperate prayers for love and peace toward heaven, wondering why God was silent through my confusion and pain.

Thank God, I finally let Him show me the truth: Wishing someone would change can’t make it so, and my feelings of love and peace don’t depend on them anyway.

So how do you get your peace back when conflict and tension have taken up residence in your home?

Do you keep ninja-rolling out of bed, hoping to dodge your unhappiness? Do you keep letting your steps falter on your way home the closer you get to your front door? And do you keep shouldering blame that’s not yours to bear, just so you can restore peace and love in your home?

Or do you instead submit yourself and your situation to God for Him to work it out according to His will? Do you manage your own mind and let others manage theirs? And do you say a brand new, power-packed prayer for love and peace?

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7 (NLT)

I know which option I choose. What about you?

Before you go, get your FREE printable download to help conquer your confusion—The Essential Guide to Finding Clarity.

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  1. Annetta Griggs says:

    After reading your articles I was left with a calmness. I love the saying ” don’t worry about anything but pray about everything” Amen! Thank you!

    1. You’re welcome, Annetta! I’m so glad you found this prayer for love and peace calming, and that it helped ease your worry.

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