I Don’t Trust God Anymore: 3 Fundamentals You Need to Feel New Faith

Inside: Are you feeling disillusioned with God and want to know where to go from here? Discover 3 fundamental steps for learning to trust God again. They’ll take you from, “I don’t trust God anymore,” to a heart overflowing with faith in Him.

I felt like I was wasting my one and only life.

In fact, I knew I was. And it was precious time I could never get back.

The thing is, it didn’t look like I was wasting it. You see, I was doing and going after all the things I was supposed to.

Great-looking relationship—check. I had a man at home who I loved with every fiber of my being.

Great-looking career—check. I had the promotions, salary increases, and executive-floor office to prove it.

Great-looking lifestyle—check. The money in my bank account, a stuffed-full walk-in closet, and a luxury car parked in the driveway of my hillside house showed it.

So yeah, I was doing all the things and I had all the things. But still, I knew I was wasting my one life.

And it was all because I didn’t trust God anymore. Maybe I never had.

Bonus: As a bonus for joining my weekly newsletter, get this free printable download—Your Faith & Trust Reboot. It gives you 5 simple tweaks to power up your prayers for direction so you can triumph over doubt and fear.

The Truth Hiding under the Lie

You’re probably wondering how I could have all that stuff and still feel like I was wasting a huge chunk of my life.

The answer was in the tightening of my gut every time I thought about going to the great-looking job I hated, even though it paid well. Yes, others may have given a lot to have it, but it killed my soul a little more every morning.

The answer is in the dread that washed over me every time I headed home. Yes, other women may have wanted to hurdle over me to get my man. But my boyfriend kept hurting me emotionally and I always felt like I was not good enough for him.

The answer was in the exhaustion I sometimes felt down to my bones from doing nothing more than standing in my house. Yes, others may have loved to have what was in my closet and driveway. But under the surface to where they couldn’t see, I was trying to figure out how to stop pretending to be happy and be happy for real.

So I trudged through my days, looking for—and failing to find—happiness in a new job, hobby, or self-help book.

Plus, of course, I begged God to rescue me from my unhappiness. My prayer journals bled with my misery and pain. But He didn’t seem to answer and I was left wondering why God was silent in my life.

And because my problems didn’t seem to be important to Him, I sort of slipped into not trusting God anymore.

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I Don’t Trust God Anymore: Why You Feel This Way

Maybe you’re where I was—stuck in unhappy circumstances and crying out to God.

“I’m lost and desperate. God, please tell me what to do!”

Maybe you’ve been trying to figure out how to know what your calling is from God. But He’s not giving up the answers you’re looking for.

And even if He did, you don’t trust God anymore to have a workable plan to bring it to reality. Otherwise, why would He have you cooling your heels when you’ve been more than ready to start walking in your purpose?

Or maybe you’re miserable at work because you know you’re not living your God-given dreams. But you can’t trust God anymore because He’s seen your dreams this whole time and He’s done nothing to help you live them.

Or maybe you’re stuck in a toxic relationship and you’ve been seeking God’s hand of rescue from it. But the only thing you’ve gotten is confusion about what it means when God is silent.

Whatever your struggle, you’re tired of waiting on God—for rescue, for answers, or even for a sign that He hears your prayers.

Related: Why Doesn’t God Talk to Me? 2 Unexpected Reasons + 3 Simple Solutions

Now, you have a long history with what seems like God’s silence in your life. So on top of your unhappiness, you’ve piled hurt from feeling like God doesn’t love you.

At this point, you probably feel like you’re the only one who’s looking out for you. It sure doesn’t seem like God is.

So your crying out to God for help has dwindled to your one painful thought.

“I don’t trust God anymore. I just can’t.”

Your Faith & Trust Reboot download
Get your FREE printable download to power up your prayers for trust—Your Faith & Trust Reboot.

3 Simple Steps for Learning to Trust God Again

Here’s an obvious fact about where you are right now:

Even though you don’t trust God anymore, you want to trust Him. And even though you don’t believe He’ll rescue you, you want to believe. 

If you didn’t want to trust God again or believe He’s still got your back somehow, you wouldn’t be looking for what to do when you don’t trust God anymore.

Plus, even though you keep saying, “I don’t trust God anymore,” you keep coming back to Him anyway. You keep crying out to HIm, begging for help, direction, and rescue.

Girl, I’ve been where you are. But you’re way ahead of where I was. Because back then, I didn’t recognize my mistrust of God. After all, my actions said something different.

I was up early every morning reading my Bible. You could find me in church every Sunday praising Him. And if you’d stumbled across my secret prayer journal, you’d have read my desperation for Him.

But here’s more of what I didn’t know.

I hadn’t stopped trusting God because He didn’t rescue me from my unhappiness. The truth is, I was unhappy because I hadn’t trusted God in the first place.

I hadn’t trusted Him to have a plan for my life, so I went the way the world said I should. Sure, I reaped financial rewards from deciding not to trust God. But I also reaped misery which took away the satisfaction from all my rewards.

I hadn’t trusted Him to have a godly man for me so I gave my heart and soul to a silver-tongued devil who chewed me up and spat me out. Sure, we had a few good years at the start. But mostly, I threw away my self-esteem, self-respect, and self-confidence because I didn’t trust God in the first place.

So get honest and tell yourself the truth. Do you not trust God anymore because it seems like He hasn’t rescued you from your unhappy circumstances? Or are you in unhappy circumstances because you didn’t trust God in the first place?

Whatever your answer, you can go from, “I don’t trust God anymore,” to trusting God again.

But please know this up-front. The 3 steps for learning to trust God again are simple but they’re not easy. This is because they require courage.

Learning To Trust God: Make a Choice

The first step in learning to trust God is deciding to trust Him.

I know—it sounds obvious and maybe even a little silly. But it’s your foundation. You won’t get away from not trusting God anymore if you don’t choose—on purpose—to trust Him.

The truth is, things will go sideways in your life sometimes because, well…life. Plus, God sometimes works things out in unexpected and uncomfortable ways.

And you’ll never trust God for real if you question how trustworthy He is every time things don’t go your way.

So if you decide ahead of time to trust God no matter what, you can avoid the agony of doubt and confusion when your life seems to go off the rails.

Bonus: As a bonus for joining my weekly newsletter, get this free printable download—Your Faith & Trust Reboot. It gives you 5 simple tweaks to power up your prayers for direction so you can triumph over doubt and fear.

I Don’t Trust God Anymore: Learn about Him

If you decide to go all-in with God and trust Him no matter what, your next step is to build up your faith on purpose.

Do this by discovering who God is, which will help you understand why you can trust Him.

Don’t skip this step. You may already think you know who He is but if you truly did, you wouldn’t now be learning to trust God.

You already would.

Related: 3 Uplifting Prayers for a Closer Relationship with God [Use Any Time]

To find out who God is, I recommend going straight to the source: His word. You can do this in lots of ways. For example:

  1. Do an in-depth topical Bible study on learning to trust God.
  2. Study a few Bible stories about uncertainty to see how God proved trustworthy. Abraham’s story is a great starting point because he had to trust God through uncertain circumstances countless times. 
  3. Use a concordance to find scriptures about trusting God, then rewrite them in your own words.
  4. Dig deep into how to know who you are in Christ. This knowledge will anchor you through life’s storms as you rebuild your identity on the most solid of all foundations.

Meanwhile, here’s a jumpstart to move you from, “I don’t trust God anymore,” to “I trust God with my whole heart!”

5 Reasons to Trust God with Your Whole Heart

No one is more worthy of your trust than God. Here are 5 reasons why, straight from the Bible.

1. God’s word is truth.

The very essence of your words is truth; all your just regulations will stand forever.

Psalm 119:160 (NLT)

2. God’s word never fails.

It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.

Isaiah 55:11 (NLT)

3. Unlike people and your fickle feelings, God doesn’t lie.

God is not a man, so he does not lie. He is not human, so he does not change his mind. Has he ever spoken and failed to act? Has he ever promised and not carried it through?

Numbers 23:19 (NLT)

4. God never changes.

So God has given both his promise and his oath. These two things are unchangeable because it is impossible for God to lie. Therefore, we who have fled to him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us.

Hebrews 6:18 (NLT)

5. He’s God of the universe.

O Sovereign Lord! You made the heavens and earth by your strong hand and powerful arm. Nothing is too hard for you!

Jeremiah 32:17 (NLT)

Knowing that your God—the unchanging God of the universe—only speaks the truth, which never fails, you should be relieved to also know this:

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)

This means your awesome God has your back, no matter what your fickle feelings or misleading thoughts say.

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Learning To Trust God: Do What He Says

First, you have to decide to trust God. Then you need to build up your trust muscles by learning about why He’s trustworthy. Your third step is to do what God says when He says it.

Here’s the thing. At some point, God is going to tell you what He wants you to do. Sometimes, you’ll be excited to do it or it will be easy. So you’ll jump right in and get right on it.

But at other times, God’s instructions will go against your natural inclination. Either it won’t line up with what the world says, or it will require more of you than you’re comfortable giving.

For example, you may need to set your pride aside. Or you may have to get past a desire to people-please.

This is when you have to dig your spiritual heels in, remind yourself of the decision you made in step 1, and wrap yourself up in your renewed faith from step 2.

Then put God first—ahead of your discomfort or anyone else’s opinions—and do what He says.

Your Next Steps for Trusting God with Your Whole Heart

I can look back now and tell myself the truth. I didn’t trust God anymore because He didn’t give me the answers I wanted. Plus, trusting Him required me to give up having total control over my life. It required me to have faith that He would come through for me.

But I didn’t want to. And because I chose not to trust Him, I wasted years of my one and only life in unhappiness.

Sure, I looked successful on the outside. But the truth is, I was drowning in misery on the inside.

Thank God I know better now than to go through life not trusting God!

As for you, you don’t have to waste one more minute of your life dealing with the misery of, “I don’t trust God anymore.”.

Instead, you can start learning to trust God right now with these 3 foundation steps:

  1. Decide on purpose to trust Him, no matter what.
  2. Discover who He is so you understand why He’s worth your trust in the first place.
  3. Do what He says to do when He says to do it.

Then before long, you won’t be learning to trust God anymore. You’ll be doing it with a heart overflowing with courage, confidence, and faith in Him.

Before you go, get your FREE printable download to help conquer your confusion—The Essential Guide to Finding Clarity.

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  1. Shirley Logan says:

    The Lord was speaking thru you in this message. Truly I thought that I was trusting God but in reality I wasn’t. I’ve been through so much in life and still is. But I choose to trust the Lord. He will do what He told me so many years ago before I lost my trust. Thank you for allowing the Lord to use you.

    1. I’m so glad this word was right on time for you Shirley. Truly trusting God is one of the most challenging parts of our Christian walk, but you can’t say you’ve walked well without learning to trust Him fully.

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